Eva Fairnell | STM Copy-Editor & Proofreader


My primary research interests are centred on how, when and why humans have utilised fur-bearing species. I have been looking for spatial and temporal trends, with Great Britain as my geographical starting point. I am interested in what can be learnt by synthesising data from published and grey literature.

I am also interested in the application of experimental archaeology to aid in the interpretation of archaeological data. Specifically, I draw on my experience as a taxidermist to consider the significance of cut marks and the interpretation of skinning.


  1. E. H. Fairnell (2012) Fur-bearing species: a zooarchaeological meta-analysis of their presence and use across three regions of Britain. PhD in Archaeology, University of York
  2. E. H. Fairnell (2008) 101 ways to skin a fur-bearing animal: the implications for zooarchaeological interpretation. In: Experiencing Archaeology by Experiment (edited by P. Cunningham, J. Heeb and R. Paardekooper), pp. 47-60. Proceedings of the Experimental Archaeology Conference, Exeter, 2007
  3. E. H. Fairnell & J. H. Barrett (2007) Fur-bearing species and Scottish islands. Journal of Archaeological Science 34, 463-484
  4. E. H. Fairnell (2006) Farmers, foxes and fur: their significance in Iron Age Orkney [abstract]. In: A Walk on the Wild Side (session led by J. Mulville). Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Council for Archaeozoology, Mexico, 2006
  5. E. H. Fairnell (2003) The utilisation of fur-bearing animals in the British Isles: a zooarchaeological hunt for data. MSC in Zooarchaeology, University of York